About Paranginan

Tax Law Firm

Tax has been a headache for some business owners in Indonesia for quit some time. Layered and fast-changing regulation make it even worse. But no worries, Paranginan & Partners is here to assist, for now and for good.

Paranginan Partners is a group of delicate and dedicated Certified Tax Attorneys. Our competencies are Tax Planning, Tax Review and any other Tax Disputes.

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Our Services?

Having years of demonstrated experience, Paranginan Partners is fully understanding your tax needs. We are not only a grab-to-go attorneys but your day-to-day adviser and partner on handling your tax and business issue.

Why Paranginan?

We're having some great value to deliver with our customer.

  • Integrity is our core value
  • Delicate and experienced tax professionals
  • Always comply with updated tax regulations
  • Exceeding clients expectations in everything we do
  • Provide tailor-made solutions